
I’m no expert, but in my experience when you’ve lived through trauma, especially in childhood, it never fully heals. Sure it gets easier, and you find ways to cope and it doesn’t bother you every day, but there will always be triggers you live with for the rest of your life. I had to deal with a major trigger yesterday, and it shook my world. It can be all consuming when something sends you back into your instinctual reactions of fear, pain, and stress. You revert to your survival mode, the tactics that got you through the abuse as a kid. You know the answers of how to get out, yet you fight with yourself to pull out of survival mode and back into life.

Yesterday it felt like the carefully placed bandages on my heart had been ripped off, exposing all the wounds as if they were brand new again. I felt the emotions I grew up with, and remembered why I work so hard every day to outgrow them, and to ensure my kids don’t end up with the same wounds. Not too long ago I remember on days like these asking myself “how do I snap out of this?! What can I do to stop this?” And sure enough, yesterday I did the same thing. Only this time, I was strong enough to remember the answers when I needed them most.

So how does one “snap out of it”? First of all, and this has been hard for me, you need to be patient with yourself. For all those out there supporting someone who has survived trauma, having family and friends who are incredibly patient with you, that allow you to get your emotions out in a safe place is an invaluable gift! You might save a life by gently asking someone you are worried about how they are (I would suggest prayer first, given each individual’s needs and timing is different).

I reached out to family and friends who I knew I could trust, and they helped me through the day. The absolute worst thing you can do is bottle up your emotions and hope they go away (in my experience this leads to extreme depression. don’t do that!) For me, I fight myself tooth and nail to open up to someone about what I’m feeling. I am getting better at it, but it will probably never be my instinctual reaction to say “I’m hurting, and I need to talk to someone”. I had 2 awesome sister-in-laws step up to the plate for me yesterday, they asked and I let them in. And let us not forget my husband, who was the first one I called, who stopped everything at different intervals throughout the day to make sure I was OK.

If you have access to a professional therapist or counselor, call them! Unfortunately at this time I do not have access to that, but that doesn’t mean I am going to give up on everything. I have found other tools that work to get me back in a good place. It’s not impossible to get through this without a professional, though it is always a good idea to have that tool if it’s possible.

Though the day was rough, I made it to bedtime and boy was I ready! I was so ready I almost skipped the most important tool I have for healing. I’ve been studying the Old Testament for a few weeks now, and after my ride on the emotional roller coaster I honestly just didn’t feel like I could. BUT I DID, and I am so glad! When I opened up my study manual, this is what I found:

“Can People be righteous if they live in homes where righteousness is not encouraged or where they are persecuted by their OWN PARENTS for being righteous? If so, what would those people have to do to overcome wicked influences?… Abraham grew up in that very situation.” (Old Testament Seminary student manual)

At a point where I was wondering why I had to relive all of this again, This was the reminder I needed. The reminder that I have a loving Heavenly Father who Knows who I am, and exactly what I need. A reminder that all I have to do is ask, reach out, and he will be there in the exact capacity I need him. I finished my study, knelt down and prayed. This was a very sweet experience. As I asked for the healing power of Jesus Christ’s atonement to heal my wounds, I felt the peace that had been missing all day. I knew that because I asked the most powerful being in existence for help, I was in his care.

For someone who struggles with insomnia, falling asleep quickly after my prayer and sleeping peacefully was no coincidence. When I awoke this morning, I felt whole again. I knew that as I slept, my wounds were tenderly bandaged up again, and I was prepared to take on a brand new day full of great things. I knew my Savior stood beside me, that he watched over me through the night, and that he believes in me.

I know that each time I go through these trigger experiences, I gain strength. I don’t get nearly as depressed as I used to, thanks to proper medication and tools I am able to bounce back stronger than I was before. This is, I believe, the reason why a loving Heavenly Father allows us to experience such awful things. Because he knows if we let him in, the trials will make us stronger and prepare us for what is yet to be.

I am so grateful for this experience (but if you talked to me yesterday that would NOT have been what I said). I know that we all have a loving Savior who is waiting for us to allow him in. He knows what is best for us, though as every parent knows what is best for your children often doesn’t align with what they want. I know that if you put your trust in him and are diligent, you can feel the same peace I do. Though you may have had a different experience that I may not relate to, there is one who does. If you are hurting, please, let him in and give yourself the greatest peace you will ever find. The peace he gives is far better than any peace offered anywhere else.



The past two weeks went so fast it feels like a blur. Have you ever felt like life is going 100 miles a minute and all you want to do is slow it down? What happens when the plans you make don’t work out?

I have a tendency to worry about everything when what we planned for our future doesn’t work out. I find it so easy to forget when plans fall apart that my life is in my Heavenly Father’s hands. If something isn’t going the way I expected, that’s because my Heavenly Father has something better in mind.

When I remember this, I then scramble to try to figure out what it is he has in mind (I’m not exactly a patient person). While I truly believe my life is in God’s hands, I also believe I need to do everything I can to diligently seek the solution to whatever problem is at hand. But this is where I allow far too much worry and stress into my life! Add restless nights trying to figure it all out RIGHT NOW before I fall asleep to an already busy life, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster.

It is in the silent moments (which are rare with young kids!) when my mind is empty and I am calm that I realize how caught up I am in my own drama. These moments tend to come when I pray, and earnestly seek an answer from my Heavenly Father. This is when I realize just how much unnecessary worrying I’ve been doing, and that I really need to just relax and put my trust in God. In these moments, I am rejuvenated and reminded of the big picture. When I’m aware of how much I have let stress take over, it helps me put everything back into perspective and get back on top of things.

So now what? Well, I’ve stopped worrying (for now). I have reminded myself of my priorities, and am ready to resume day to day life without worry. I’m making it a point this week to slow down and enjoy time with my kids. They have a magical view of the world, and when I see it through their eyes it’s almost like the clock stops (until the dishes need to be done). After all,

“This is Life don’t miss it”



It has been one year on Mother’s Day since I last spoke to my mother. In that time my soul has been grappling with this word. What does it mean? What does God expect of me? How can I forgive while still protecting myself and my family from those who have hurt me, and would continue to do so if I let them back into my life? Can I really let this relationship go? How can I fill the void in my heart where all this anger, hurt and pain is? If they never come around, how will I be able to let this go? Will I be able to return to my Father in Heaven if I do not let my them back in my life? Is it possible to forgive someone within your family without associating with them? What should I do? What is best in my situation?

Continue reading Forgiveness

Easter Reflections


It’s been far too long since I have written. It took more out of me to share my story than I expected, but I’m back and ready to continue writing!

This year was one of the best Easter’s I have ever had, simply because I was able to focus on the real meaning behind the Holiday. For far too many years it was hurry, get the eggs colored, buy the candy and hide the Easter eggs, how much money do we have to spend on Easter basket gifts, rush rush rush! I find this to be the default setting for myself when it comes to all holidays, which leads me to ask myself “when did I become the boring grown up who doesn’t even like Holidays?”

Continue reading Easter Reflections

My Journey Part 3: What does it all mean?

To be honest, sharing this much of my personal life online has been incredibly difficult for me. I don’t like to talk about these things very much, and very few people knew much about my story until now. Some may ask, why then are you doing this? This may sound strange, but I believe my Heavenly Father wants me to share my story with the world in order to help others find hope through him. Let’s talk about my current life, and how my past has molded who I am.

Continue reading My Journey Part 3: What does it all mean?

My Journey Part 2: Life Changing Moments

I dove in and shared my story regarding emotional/verbal abuse as a child. Now I’m going to move on to what I experienced as a pre-teen and teenager. In Part 3, I will share with you how these events have contributed to my adult life. Continue reading My Journey Part 2: Life Changing Moments

My Story- What on earth am I doing bearing my soul online?!

Hello World!

I have a story, just like most of us do. Life creates them for us, but we decide the outcome. I feel like it is time to share my story with the world in the hopes that I can encourage others on their way through life. This has never been an easy thing for me to talk about, but I pray with God’s grace he will help me share my story in a way that can help you find peace and healing in your journey.

I’d like to begin sharing with you my battle with depression, and how I have found happiness and continue to do so in my every day life. “Keeping it all Together” for me refers to the one thing that connects all aspects of my life: My relationship with my Heavenly Father. On this blog you will find inspirational quotes, tips and tricks for sewing, crafting, and homeschooling. All of this will weave through and end up back at my foundation: I am a Daughter of a Heavenly King, through this I have found my worth.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Please keep in mind that while I will do my absolute best to keep my posts in line with the doctrine of this church, I am an imperfect individual. This site is not directly affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

So welcome to my corner of the world! I hope you stay and enjoy yourself. I look forward to sharing life with you!


❤ Donae

How I find happiness through Severe Depression